One of our Best Selling Iced Coffee

Introducing The Japanese Iced V60

Enjoy a divine cup of iced coffee, suited for the summer weather.

This Japanese iced coffee creates an arguably more flavorful, bright and complex cup of coffee.

We use Tetsu Kasuya’s winning coffee recipe, the 4:6 method.

Hot water to brew an initially stronger cup directly over ice. The hot water pulls out all the flavors and aromas of the coffee while the ice flash chills the coffee diluting it to the perfect strength

Our V60 pour over recipe is a 1:14 coffee to water ratio. But, when brewing over ice, we decrease the hot water to around 1:10 and make up the difference with ice. This recipe gives a nice bold cup, giving a beautifully balanced beverage; and we can adjust the sweetness, acidity and strength to your liking.

Why not replace your iced coffee for a Japanese Iced V60?




5 Attempts that Nearly Banned Coffee in History